SpaceX will conduct a share buyback instead of a projected sale of securities

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 24.05.2024, 21:42

It has been rumoured for some time that SpaceX may sell some of its shares in June. However, Elon Musk has denied this information.

Here's What We Know

The planned sale of shares in June at a price of $108-110 was reported by the Bloomberg news agency, citing an anonymous source. However, the CEO of the American company said that SpaceX does not need to attract additional capital.

Moreover, Ilon Musk said that the aerospace company intends to organise a buyback of securities. The businessman also emphasised that investors and employees of SpaceX can sell shares twice a year.

Meanwhile, the US company is preparing for the fourth test launch of the Starship spacecraft. Last year, two attempts ended with explosions within the Earth's atmosphere. But during the third launch, which took place two months ago, the ship reached space, and specialists were able to conduct a series of tests.

The fourth test flight is still scheduled for 5 June 2024. However, SpaceX has yet to receive regulatory approval for the launch.

Source: Bloomberg, Morningstar