An unidentified European country has ordered hundreds of thousands of AHEAD munitions for the Skynex air defence system

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 28.05.2024, 21:28

German defence company Rheinmetall has been awarded a major contract for the production and supply of munitions for the Skynex air defence system. The customer of the munitions is not specified.

We are talking about a multi-million dollar contract for hundreds of thousands of AHEAD ammunition of 35 mm calibre. It is possible that the final recipient is the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Deliveries of Skynex air defence systems to Ukraine began last spring and lasted for a year. Skynex is a short-range system equipped with the Oerlikon Mk3 cannon with a maximum range of 4 kilometres and a rate of fire of up to 1,000 rounds per minute.

The latest Skynex air defence system arrived in Ukraine a few weeks ago. In addition to it, the German military aid package included 10 Marder infantry fighting vehicles, medium-range missiles, surveillance radar and tractors.

Source: Rheinmetall