Private Division has broken its co-operation agreement with Bloober Team and will not publish the Polish studio's ambitious horror game Project C

By: Anton Kratiuk | 30.05.2024, 21:49

It is known that Polish studio Bloober Team - the author of narrative horror and thrillers Layers of Fear, Observer, Blair Witch, The Medium and, of course, the remake of Silent Hill 2, which will be released in 2024 - is working on several new games.

One of the new games was supposed to be Project C, a horror game that was being developed in collaboration with Private Division, one of Take-Two Interactive's divisions. But today it became known that this partnership was terminated.

Here's What We Know

Private Division reported about the breakdown of cooperation with Bloober Team studio for unnamed reasons. At the moment the parties are negotiating the terms of the breakup, but it is not a fact that the development of Project C will be cancelled, because Private Division can leave the rights to the game for Bloober Team.

In this case, the Poles can either find a new publisher or release the game on their own, as Bloober Team opened Broken Mirror Games division for publishing activities - and this option seems to be the most rational.

This is not the first studio with which Private Division unexpectedly breaks a co-operation agreement. Earlier (in 2022) the same notice was received by People Can Fly, because of which it was later forced to cancel the development of the ambitious RPG Project Dagger.
