Two games in the Diablo series will host festive events at once: players will receive gifts, bonuses and themed activities

By: Anton Kratiuk | 02.06.2024, 21:37

In June, two Diablo games are celebrating their "birthdays": Diablo IV is one year old, and the controversial mobile Diablo Immortal is two years old.

Blizzard invites gamersto join the celebration and announced a series of themed events.

Here's What We Know

The American developer has published a plan of events and gifts that it has prepared for players.

Diablo 4.

  • 6-13 June - March of the Goblins. More greedy goblins will appear in the game, and players will receive valuable items for killing them;
  • 6-12 June - free gifts in the shop (can be picked up until 20 June);
  • 6-16 June - Mother's Blessing: players will receive a 25% experience bonus and a 50% increase in gold drop.

Diablo Immortal

  • 6-20 June - "March of the Goblins" More greedy goblins will appear in the game, for killing which players will receive valuable items plus additional bonuses for completing quests;
  • 13-20 June - gift of a five-star legendary gem;
  • 6-13 June - double rewards for participating in certain events. The bonus will be valid for 36 hours of real time, reporting only while in-game.

In addition, Diablo Immortal will feature the Gold-Cursed Goliath boss from Diablo 4.

Source: Blizzard