3D action platformer Astro Bot will be Team Asobi's biggest game ever: the authors want the player to get a new experience every 10 minutes

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 02.06.2024, 21:54

The best moment of the State of Play presentation was the announcement of the action platformer Astro Bot. PlayStation 5 owners loved the previous game in the series, Astro's Playroom, which was installed on every PS5 console and introduced users to its capabilities. Now the authors from Team Asobi have told more about the upcoming project.

Here's What We Know

Studio head Nicolas Doucet told Entertainment Weekly that the studio wanted to make a big game. "It's about taking it up a notch - several notches, actually - and telling the big Astro story. We call it Astro Bot because we see it as a new beginning. It's a very, very big game. I think it's the biggest game we've ever made for us."

According to Doucet, there are 80 planets spread across six galaxies. "We really wanted to make sure that the player has a new experience every 10 minutes or so," he says.

When We Can Expect It

Astro Bot will be released on 6 September on PlayStation 5 only, and pre-orders will be available from 6 June.

Source: ew