Hungary has received a new batch of Leopard 2A7HU tanks in service

By: Myroslav Trinko | 05.06.2024, 12:25

The Hungarian Army has received a new batch of Leopard tanks.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by the Ministry of Defence of the country. We are talking about two Leopard tanks in the modification 2A7HU. Earlier Hungary received 11 such combat vehicles.

Leopard 2A7HU

By the way, in addition to two Leopard 2A7HU, Hungary also received a special version of the Leopard 2A7 Driver Training Tank. It will be used for crew training. Previously, Hungarian tankers travelled to Germany for training.

Leopard 2A7 Driver Training Tank


The Leopard 2A7HU is an improved version of the German Leopard 2 tank, specially adapted for the needs of the Hungarian armed forces. This modification is characterised by increased protection, improved fire control system and modern communication and navigation equipment. The tank is equipped with a powerful engine that provides high speed and manoeuvrability on the battlefield. The Leopard 2A7HU also incorporates improved armour modules, which increases its resistance to various types of ammunition.

The tank's main armament consists of a 120mm smoothbore gun capable of effectively engaging both armoured vehicles and fortified enemy positions. Additional armament includes a twin machine gun and grenade launcher, providing all-round defence and offensive capabilities.

Source: honvedelem