The head of Nothing has revealed why Nothing Phone 3 won't be released this year

By: Vlad Cherevko | 05.06.2024, 23:52

Nothing, a company known for its innovative smartphones, has announced that the launch date of its new product, the Nothing Phone 3, has been postponed. The device was previously expected to hit the market in 2024, but CEO Carl Pei has confirmed that the phone will not be launched this year.

Here's What We Know

The reason for the delay was the company's desire to "get the product right" given recent advances in artificial intelligence. Pei is confident that integrating AI into smartphones is the future and his team is committed to creating a device that is not just new, but a breakthrough in this direction. About this and more, the head of Nothing spoke about it in his video message on his X account.

In his video message, Pei also touched on what he sees as other companies' attempts to change familiar form factors and ways of interacting with technology that aren't true. He emphasised that Nothing remains true to the concept of the smartphone as a primary AI device and has no plans to stray from that course.

Pei also expressed his admiration for Nintendo's approach to creating user-centric products and stated his desire to follow suit.

The video also included a demonstration of an AI home screen prototype that predicts user needs and the process of creating an AI companion that can adapt to individual preferences.

The release date for the Nothing Phone 3 remains uncertain, but the company is expected to unveil the new product in 2025. Fans of the brand and experts are eagerly waiting to see what innovations the next generation of Nothing smartphones will bring.

Source: @getpeid