Announced at Summer Game Fest: insider reveals many interesting details about LEGO Horizon Adventures - the game will be released on PlayStation 5 and PC

By: Anton Kratiuk | 06.06.2024, 19:17

For weeks now, word has been circulating around the web that Sony and LEGO are preparing to announce a joint game in the Horizon franchise.

The first to report LEGO Horizon Adventures was dataminer Kurakasis, who speculated that the game would be shown at State of Play, but that prediction didn't come true.

Now insider bilbill-kun has revealed a lot of interesting details about the project.

Here's What We Know

The French journalist, whose information is almost always confirmed, is sure that the announcement of LEGO Horizon Adventures will take place at Summer Game Fest.

Below are the most important theses revealed by bilbill-kun:

  • pre-orders for the game will open immediately after the announcement;
  • LEGO Horizon Adventures will be released simultaneously on PlayStation 5 and PC;
  • it will be an action-adventure game that can be played alone or in co-op;
  • the game supports cross-platform online mode;
  • the game will have two editions - Standard and Deluxe. What their content will be will be revealed later;
  • LEGO Horizon Adventures will have in-game purchases, in what form - also unknown yet.

Bilbill-kun reported that the game is being published by Sony. Like all of the Japanese company's recent games, it will require a PSN account to play on PC.

Source: Dealabs