Netflix is testing a redesigned app for Apple TV

By: Nastya Bobkova | 07.06.2024, 05:57

Netflix is launching a test of an updated version of its Apple TV app, the first major update in a decade. According to The Verge, the new design makes navigation easier and more convenient while maintaining a modern look.

Here's What We Know

Based on user feedback, the Netflix team decided to improve the display of content on the home screen, making it more centralised and accessible.

According to Pat Flemming, senior director of product at Netflix, this simplifies the process of choosing content to watch.

The updated interface includes tiles that expand when you hover the remote control, as well as automatic previews when you hold the cursor over the selected content for a long time. The navigation menu will be placed at the top of the screen.

The new design is currently being tested with a limited number of users, but it is planned to be rolled out to a wider audience in the coming months if it receives a positive response from consumers.

Source: The Verge