Ukraine's Special Operations Forces destroyed a modern Russian R-416GM communication station for the first time (video)

By: Myroslav Trinko | 13.06.2024, 10:24

Ukraine's special operations forces have shown a video of the destruction of a modern Russian R-416GM communication station.

Here's What We Know

The target was detected by operators of the 3rd SDF Regiment during a robot on one of the operational directions and destroyed with the help of a new kamikaze drone. After that, the occupation forces lost communication between the command centre and army units. By the way, this is the first recorded destruction of the R-416GM since the beginning of the full-scale war.


R-416GM is a modern Russian mobile communication station designed to provide stable and protected radio communication in field conditions. It is equipped to transmit voice and digital data over long distances. The station can operate in different frequency ranges and provides high noise immunity due to the use of different coding and encryption methods. The R-416GM is used to ensure communication between units, command posts and other elements of the military infrastructure. The Russian army first received the R-416GM in 2018.

Source: @ukr_sof