With watchOS 11: Apple Watch will be able to automatically track a user's sleep

By: Myroslav Trinko | 13.06.2024, 12:18

Details about watchOS 11 that Apple didn't reveal during WWDC 2024 keep popping up on the internet.

Here's What We Know

According to insider and technoblogger @MaxWinebach, in the new version of the software there is a feature, thanks to which Apple Watch will automatically track the user's sleep at night. For example, now for this purpose, you need to switch on the sleep mode. Another update to watchOS 11 will allow Apple's smart watch to take short naps during the day.


Apple revealed watchOS 11 earlier this week at WWDC 2024. Developers can already test the system. An open beta version of the software will be released in July. A stable release of the firmware will take place in autumn.

Source: @MaxWinebach