Dangers of uncharted planets: atmospheric trailer of the ambitious role-playing game Exodus is presented

By: Anton Kratiuk | 14.06.2024, 22:24

Archetype Entertainment studio presented a colourful trailer of sci-fi role-playing game Exodus, one of the main roles in which will be played by the famous actor Matthew McConaughey.

Here's What We Know

The atmospheric clip shows incredible landscapes of unexplored planets, which are trying to populate the people who left Earth.

The voiceover emphasised that although exoplanets are suitable for colonisation according to objective indicators, they can be toxic and even deadly for humans. In the trailer a certain Colonel is mentioned several times, probably this character will play an important role in the Exodus plot.

It is impossible not to mention the excellent graphics and details of the game, and although it is only a trailer - the planets look incredibly picturesque.


One of the main features of Exodus will be the uneven passage of time on different planets. Players can leave some place for just a few days, and on their return it will turn out that centuries have already passed there and the situation has fundamentally changed. In this respect the game reminds of the famous film Interstellar.

The game is centred around the Travelers, a group of people who explore space and encounter hostile alien life forms. Their task is to find and take from the aliens some sort of artefacts that will help humanity survive on strange planets. It is stated that each artefact will have an impact on Exodus gameplay as well.

When We Can Expect It

Unfortunately, the developers have not yet announced the release date of Exodus. The game will be available on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series.

Source: Exodus