Ubisoft has abandoned "social stealth" in Assassin's Creed Shadows: a dark-skinned samurai wouldn't be able to get lost in the Japanese crowd

By: Anton Kratiuk | 18.06.2024, 12:25

Since the very first Assassin's Creed games, one of the main features of the series has been what was called "social stealth" - this feature allowed players to get lost in the crowd and not attract the attention of guards and enemies.

This feature in one form or another was present even in the last games of the series, although their concept made it practically useless. But in Assassin's Creed Shadows it won't be present at all.

Here's What We Know

Ubisoft confirmed that social stealth will not appear in Shadows. As the company representatives explained to the journalist Stephen Totilo, this decision is primarily due to the game's setting. It is known that its events will unfold in feudal Japan, and the main characters will be a samurai of African descent Yasuke and a girl shinobi Naoe. The developers logically thought that the dark-skinned protagonist could not even theoretically get lost among the Japanese, and he prefers not to hide from enemies, but to engage them in open combat.

As for Naoe, she doesn't need to blend in with the crowd: she's ignored, as she doesn't stand out from the crowd. Enemies will only start looking at her if she takes suspicious actions. And most importantly, Naoe prefers to hide not in crowds, but in the shadows of alleys, dense vegetation, and rooftops.

When We Can Expect It

Assassinʼs Creed Shadows will release on 15 November on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

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Source: Gamefile