Armenia buys Caesar self-propelled artillery units from France

By: Myroslav Trinko | 19.06.2024, 10:03

Armenian Armed Forces to receive French Caesar self-propelled artillery units.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by French Defence Minister Sebastien Lecornu during the Eurosatory 2024 exhibition in Paris. KNDS France (formerly Nexter) will fulfil the contract. Unfortunately, the number of howitzers and the price of the deal have not been disclosed yet.


The Caesar is a French 155mm self-propelled artillery unit designed to destroy manpower, artillery batteries, bunkers, and provide passages in minefields and field barriers. The maximum range of the SAU is 42 kilometres (depending on the projectile). It is capable of firing 6 rounds per minute. It is operated by a crew of 4-5 people. By the way, Ukraine has been actively using the Caesar SAU since the beginning of the full-scale war with Russia.

Source: @SebLecornu