Shahed-136, ZALA, SuperCam and Lancet: Ukrainian Navy destroyed a warehouse with 120 Russian drones

By: Myroslav Trinko | 25.06.2024, 09:23

The naval forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine jointly with the Security Service of Ukraine on 21 June struck a Russian facility of the military training ground of the 726th air defence training centre in the Krasnodar Region.

Here's What We Know

As a result of the strike, the Ukrainian army destroyed a warehouse with a large number of drones:

  • Shahed-136 - 20 units;
  • "Lancet - 50 units;
  • ZALA - 40 units;
  • SuperCam - 10 units.

In addition to the drones, instructors and technical personnel were also present at the warehouse during the strike.

Source: Ukrainian Navy