YouTube now allows you to mark an AI-generated video for deletion if it uses your image or voice in it

By: Vlad Cherevko | 02.07.2024, 23:41

YouTube is introducing a new policy that allows users to request the removal of content created with artificial intelligence if it includes an image or voice that resembles a real person.

Here's What We Know

The change is aimed at protecting privacy and preventing the misuse of someone else's image. The platform will assess whether the video has been altered or is synthetic and whether this has been disclosed. Factors such as the ease of identifying the person in question, the presence of parody or satire, and whether it features a public figure or celebrity will also be considered.

YouTube gives the alleged offender 48 hours to respond to the complaint. If the content is removed within this period, the complaint will be closed. Otherwise, YouTube will review it. In addition, YouTube will pay attention to "sensitive behaviour" including crime, violence, endorsement of products or political candidates.

The innovation addresses privacy violations and requires first-person direct feedback, except in cases involving minors, people without access to a computer, or the deceased.

Source: YouTube