Nintendo Delta emulator update now provides iPad support

By: Vlad Cherevko | 14.07.2024, 19:06

Nintendo's Delta emulator has released a version 1.6 update focused on improving compatibility with the iPad.

Here's What We Know

Users can now easily switch between iPhone and iPad devices while enjoying full-screen play. The update also includes compatibility improvements for DS games, new skins and menus, and a new logo due to legal issues with Adobe.

The updated emulator running on the iPad

Delta's creator, Riley Testut, has fulfilled a promise made three months ago with an update available on the App Store and AltStorePAL. iPad users can now use Stage Manager and Split View to multitask. However, the developers warn of possible issues with the save states of DS games and recommend saving in-game before updating. A dedicated Delta Legacy app is available to help migrate saves.

Source: Engadget, Reddit