Ilon Musk 'fully supported' Donald Trump after Trump was assassinated

By: Vlad Cherevko | 15.07.2024, 01:33

Ilon Musk has expressed his full support for Donald Trump after an incident at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania where shots rang out.

Here's What We Know

Trump was urgently evacuated from the stage by the Secret Service and was seen with a bloody face. Musk wrote on social media X that he fully supports President Trump and hopes for his quick recovery.

Shortly after, he compared Trump to Theodore Roosevelt. The Secret Service is investigating the incident and it is already known that 20-year-old gunman Thomas Crooks, who fired from the roof of a neighbouring building at Trump, was shot dead by security after the incident. A Pennsylvania prosecutor said one protester was killed and two protesters were also wounded. A spokesman for Trump confirmed that the former president was fine and had been evaluated at a local medical facility.

On Friday, 12 July, Musk made a significant donation in support of Trump, his first contribution this election cycle. The specific amount Musk donated was not specified, but the donation was described as a "significant amount."

Source: @elonmusk, Wired