Samsung maintains leadership in the global smartphone market with sales growth of Galaxy S24, Galaxy Flip 6 and Galaxy Fold 6 series

By: Nastya Bobkova | yesterday, 18:45

Samsung managed to maintain its position as the leader in the global smartphone market. Despite increased competition from Apple and Chinese brands, the South Korean company sold more phones than last year and took first place.

Here's What We Know

In the second quarter of 2024, Samsung was the most popular smartphone brand in the world. According to research company IDC, Samsung shipped 53.9 million smartphones in the second quarter (April to June) of 2024, accounting for 18.9% of the market. This is 0.7% more than in the second quarter of last year.

The Galaxy S24 series is selling quite profitably, and Samsung hopes that its new foldable phones, the Galaxy Flip 6 and Galaxy Fold 6, will also be successful during pre-orders.

Apple was in second place, selling 45.2 million iPhones and capturing 15.8% of the global smartphone market. This is 1.5% more than in the same quarter last year. Although the company overtook Samsung in the third quarter of last year, it failed to maintain this position.

Xiaomi became the third largest smartphone brand in the world during this period. The Chinese company shipped 42.3 million smartphones and captured 14.8% of the market. This is a significant increase of 27.4% compared to last year.

Vivo also performed well, increasing shipments and market share. It shipped 25.9 million smartphones and captured 9.1% of the market. This is 21.9% more than in the second quarter of last year.

OPPO shipped 25.8 million smartphones in the second quarter of this year, taking 9% of the global market. This is 1.8% more than last year.

Overall, the global smartphone market grew by 6.5% year-on-year, with Xiaomi and Vivo gaining the most.

Source: IDC