Everyone will enjoy Black Myth: Wukong: Game Science developers have implemented an adaptive difficulty system in the action game

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 14:07

Action game Black Myth: Wukong is the most expected novelty of 2024 on Steam. The game about the Monkey King arouses great interest due to its complex gameplay and impressive technical execution. Many people compare Black Myth: Wukong with FromSoftware projects and other souls-like genre games, although the developers have repeatedly emphasised that this is not entirely true.

Earlier it was reported that the game will have one difficulty level, but it turned out that Game Science studio has creatively approached to the realisation of their ideas here too.

Here's What We Know

GermanStrands blogger reported an interesting nuance about Black Myth: Wukong. According to his data, the game will offer adaptive difficulty, so that fights with some bosses will change depending on the skills and actions of the player.

The informant emphasised that if the player does well in the first phase of the boss battle, the game will activate the next phase of the fight, in which the enemy gains additional abilities, and thus makes it harder to defeat it.

In turn, if the player, after several attempts, is no closer to victory, the boss fight can be limited to one phase.

Thus, both hardcore players will get what they want, and less prepared gamers will be able to pass Black Myth: Wukong.

When We Can Expect It

Black Myth: Wukong is expected to be released on 20 August 2024. The game will first be released on PS5 and PC, and will later be available on Xbox Series as well.

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Source: @GermanStrands