Mice builders and cats enslavers: unusual city-building strategy Whiskerwood announced

By: Anton Kratiuk | yesterday, 19:39

Publisher Hooded Horse, which recently released the hit strategy game Manor Lords, has announced another unusual game.

Here's What We Know

Whiskerwood is a city-building strategy with a lot of mechanics and possibilities. But what makes the game unusual is its plot: in the centre of attention will be a colony of mice, which were sent to uncharted islands by evil enslaver cats.

In addition to building and developing cities and establishing production lines, players will have to manoeuvre between the physical needs of the mice and the incredibly high demands of the cats, and it's impossible to please everyone.

The mice must be given at least some comfortable living conditions or they will revolt and leave the colony, but the cats' wishes cannot be ignored, as they can inflict various punishments on the mice.

In Whiskerwood you should think about the infrastructure of the city, build conveyors, factories, houses, change the landscape of the area, take care of sustenance, remove rubbish, conduct marine exploration. Since space on the islands is not unlimited, Whiskerwood places a heavy emphasis on verticality.

Mice have unique needs and desires, so you'll have to provide some solitude while others seek company.

Whiskerwood is being developed by Japanese studio Minakata Dynamics, which specialises in complex games with deep mechanics and helped develop Manor Lords.

No release date for Whiskerwood has been revealed. For now, the game is only planned to be released on Steam.

Source: Hooded Horse