Microsoft has patented a system that encrypts text on the screen so that outsiders can't read it from the sidelines

By: Vlad Cherevko | today, 12:12

Microsoft is working on a physical encryption system that can encrypt and decrypt a document in real time depending on how the user looks at it.

Here's What We Know

The new patent describes a technology that changes the letters in the text of an original document to protect it from visual tampering in public places. The system uses webcam gaze tracking to decipher text for the user's eyes only, preventing light from reaching the eyes of bystanders. This provides a higher level of security than traditional privacy screens, which often make the image dim.

However, there are limitations: such screens block out much of the light, and accidental blurring of text makes it difficult to read. Visual hacking is a serious problem and new defence methods such as this encryption system are essential for cybersecurity professionals. It is unclear if this system will be realised, but if it does, it could greatly improve the security of users' devices around the world.

Source: BGR