The US will deploy a system to jam Russian and Chinese satellites

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 10:42

The US Space Force is preparing to introduce a new ground-based satellite jamming system aimed at countering Russian and Chinese satellites.

Here's What We Know

According to Bloomberg, the first 11 of the 24 remote modular terminals of the system, known as the Remote Modular Terminal (RMT), are scheduled to be deployed in the coming months. These terminals are supposed to prevent Chinese and Russian satellites from transmitting information about US troops during a conflict.

According to the Pentagon, the RMT system is used as a defensive tool that temporarily disables enemy satellites while maintaining their functionality. In other words, the terminals are not designed to protect US satellites from Chinese or Russian jamming, but rather to counter enemy satellite communications.

The system is equipped with a circular antenna with a diameter of about 3 metres and uses commercial components to reduce costs.

The US Space Force emphasises that the terminals are "small, transportable, and inexpensive satellite jamming capabilities that can be deployed in any field environment to protect" US forces.

Source: Bloomberg