Ukraine must get rid of Soviet air combat tactics to get the most out of the F-16

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 10:55

Ukraine needs a fundamentally different air strategy to take advantage of the F-16 and to repel Russian forces.

Here's What We Know

"Senior leaders of the Ukrainian armed forces must shed Soviet/Russian doctrine and tactics, techniques, and procedures," wrote David Deptula and Christopher Bowie in a report by the Mitchell Institute think tank. Ukrainians must be prepared to embrace new concepts and practices."

Soviet doctrine tended to be rigid and top-down, with commanders expected to stick to a plan rather than take initiative in response to opportunities or setbacks on the battlefield. The problem for Ukraine is that many of its senior officers started their careers in the Soviet army, were trained in Soviet military academies and created a Soviet-style armed forces.

Of course, the situation is changing as young officers are promoted, but adopting a radically different military culture and mindset - especially in times of war - is extremely difficult.

The Ukrainian army needs to get the most out of its forces. This means a flexible, coordinated style of warfare.

Source: Business Insider