Russia may arm Houthis with modern anti-ship missiles

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 11:03

Russia is planning to arm Yemeni Houthi rebels with advanced anti-ship missiles, US intelligence agencies have warned.

Here's What We Know

The Wall Street Journal writes that the move is likely a response to Biden's quiet green light for Ukraine to use US weapons in Russia.

Last month, Middle East Eye reported that Saudi Arabia had already dissuaded Russia from providing anti-ship cruise missiles to the Houthis. US officials now believe that Moscow is once again looking to arm the rebels.

However, the Houthis received their first anti-ship missiles in late 2014 and early 2015, when they took control of northern Yemen.

The International Institute for Strategic Studies, a London-based think tank, said that the Houthis have been in possession of anti-ship missiles "for almost a decade, using them to interfere with military and commercial maritime transport". These are primarily outdated Soviet-era P-21 and P-22 missiles, as well as Chinese C-801s.

The White House hopes to persuade Russia to send the weapons by using a third country as an intermediary, the newspaper adds, citing unnamed US officials. Earlier, Russia expressed its indignation at the US and UK strikes on the Iranian-backed Houthis, which began in response to the militants' attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

The terrorists are attacking ships in the region to allegedly put pressure on Israel and the West over the war in Gaza.

Source: The Wall Street Journal