Magnets and weightlifting: Samsung has revealed when it is not recommended to use the Galaxy Ring

By: Vlad Cherevko | today, 11:26

Samsung has announced that their new Galaxy Ring device, which will go on sale on 24 July, requires special attention when in use.

Here's What We Know

According to the official support page, the ring should not be worn near magnets as it may affect the operation of some features such as step counting. Samsung also recommends removing the Galaxy Ring during weightlifting and other exercises using exercise machines. This is due to the possibility of hand injuries and damage to the device itself.

Similar recommendations have previously been made for other smart rings such as the Oura. These limitations emphasise that smart ring technology is at an early stage of development and requires lifestyle adjustments compared to traditional wearable devices such as smart watches. Users should carefully review documentation and reviews to avoid damage and impaired functionality of the device.

Source: Samsung