Brahmaputra frigate catches fire and capsizes in India

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 12:01

On 21 July, the naval frigate Brahmaputra caught fire and capsized at a shipyard in Mumbai, India.

Here's What We Know

According to The Times of India, the fire started in the evening and was extinguished only the next morning. The frigate was undergoing maintenance, so there were no many servicemen on board, but a junior sailor was reported missing.

The management has already formed a commission to investigate the incident and search for the missing man. The ship was severely damaged.

It is worth noting that the Brahmaputra frigates are fully designed and built in India as a replacement for the Godavari frigates. A total of three ships of this type were built and named after rivers in India: Brahmaputra, Betwa and Beas. The Brahmaputra was commissioned into service in 2000.

The ship is designed for multirole operations, including anti-submarine warfare, surface and air warfare, making it a critical unit for the country's defence capability.

This is not the first fire on naval vessels in India. At least 20 fires have been reported since 2010. Since 2000, the Indian Navy has lost three ships in peacetime.

Source: The Times of India