British army commander says his country needs to prepare for war

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | yesterday, 11:32

The Commander of the British Armed Forces, General Sir Roland Walker, called on the country to prepare for a new war.

Here's What We Know

In his speech, the general also predicted that Vladimir Putin could become "very, very dangerous" after the war in Ukraine and could show aggression towards Western countries. He stressed that such a situation could arise even if Russia wins or loses, as "when you think they've lost their spirit, they will come roaring back to take revenge".

In addition, General Walker stressed the potential threats from China to Taiwan, Iran's nuclear weapons plans, and the threats from North Korea.

General Sir Roland Walker. Photo: The Telegraph

"That's why by 2027-2028, that convergence may reach a kind of unity, and your ability to deal with them individually - with a particular crisis that can be resolved through a rules-based system, I think, will be greatly reduced."

He added that Britain "is not on an imminent path to war", but it urgently needs to rebuild a credible force to provide deterrence.

Source: BBC