Lithuania receives a new batch of Javelin anti-tank missiles worth $7 million from the United States

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | yesterday, 12:08

On Tuesday, 23 July, a batch of missiles for the Javelin medium-range portable anti-tank system worth about $7 million was delivered to Lithuania.

Here's What We Know

"This purchase, which has just been delivered from the United States, significantly contributes to strengthening Lithuania's defence capabilities and increasing the long-range capabilities of the Lithuanian Armed Forces," said Defence Minister Laurinas Kasciunas.

The United States is trying to provide the Baltic states with weapons, strengthening regional security and stability. The United States is actively providing military personnel, equipment, and funding to support defence.

Financial assistance for strengthening the defence capabilities and improving the military infrastructure of European allies, including Lithuania, is provided under the European Deterrence Initiative (EDI) and is increasing every year.


Javelin is a man-portable anti-tank missile system. The main purpose of the system is to destroy armoured vehicles, especially tanks. Javelin uses the "shoot and forget" principle, which means that after launching the missile, the operator can move without waiting for a hit. The missile is equipped with an infrared homing head that allows it to automatically track the target. The system operates at a range of 75m to 2.5km, both day and night.

Source: Defence Industry Europe