JPMorgan Chase, one of the largest US banks, implements its own AI LLM Suite to optimise the work of financial specialists

By: Nastya Bobkova | today, 02:07

One of the world's largest banks, JPMorgan Chase, has introduced a new artificial intelligence tool called LLM Suite. This internal generative tool is designed to improve the productivity of the bank's employees, particularly in the areas of asset and capital management.

Here's What We Know

LLM Suite works in a similar way to ChatGPT, allowing you to automatically write texts, generate ideas and summarise documents.

LLM Suite has already been implemented for about 50,000 JPMorgan Chase employees, which is approximately 15% of the bank's total workforce. Although the details of the tool's functioning have not been disclosed, it is believed to be one of the largest deployments of large-scale language models in the financial industry.

This move illustrates the general trends in the banking sector, where, for example, Citigroup has previously predicted that artificial intelligence will be able to automate up to 54% of banking tasks. As AI technology advances, financial institutions are actively looking for ways to harness its capabilities to improve efficiency and productivity.

Source: ithome