News of Borderlands sequel "will come sooner rather than later" - Gearbox head says

By: Anton Kratiuk | yesterday, 19:04

Gearbox studio has repeatedly hinted at the development and soon announcement of a new part of Borderlands. The company did it so successfully that no one doubts that the series of colourful shooters will be continued in the near future.

Here's What We Know

Gearbox's head and co-founder Randy Pitchford continues to stir up intrigue around Borderlands 4 (the name is conditional). He stated that "people who love Borderlands will be excited to see what Gearbox is working on" and that the game will be announced "sooner rather than later". That kind of wording is completely uninformative, but it's still a bit more optimistic than, for example, the Polish developers' "the game will come out when it's ready" statement.

Randy Pitchford is sad that his company failed to keep it a secret that "the Gearbox team is doing something related to Borderlands" (hmm, did Pitchford himself reveal all the secrets?!), but he's glad that gamers are eagerly awaiting the sequel to the successful franchise.

Source: The Gamer