In the US, Instagram users have been able to create AI characters using Meta's AI Studio

By: Vlad Cherevko | today, 12:22

Meta has begun rolling out AI Studio in the US, providing Instagram creators and everyday users with tools to create personalised AI characters.

Here's What We Know

AI Studio allows creators to create AI characters that can communicate with followers, answer questions, and help create content. They are easy to customise and don't require technical skills to use. Creators can provide information including comments, captions and links so the AI can answer questions and interact with audiences.

Regular users can also create AI characters to communicate, create memes and get tips. AI Studio is available on Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp, allowing users to interact with AI characters across platforms. AI Studio is currently only available in the US, but Meta plans to expand access in the future. This tool will help creators with a large number of subscribers to effectively interact with their audience and increase their subscribers.

Source: Meta