Ukraine has developed new "shields" for its Bradleys to protect them from drones

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 14:49

Ukraine has created new protection for Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, which are among the key targets for Russian drone attacks.

Here's What We Know

Oleksandr Myronenko, chief operating officer of Ukraine's Metinvest, told Newsweek that the shields, which cost about $2 million each, "have been successfully tested" and that the company is "moving to mass production". The "shield" is actually a special sliding screen that is mounted on top of the M2 Bradley.

Myronenko said that such protection is more complex than previous designs, as the shield "slides back and forth from the top to the side of the vehicle, depending on the combat situation." "Metinvest already manufactures the shields for Ukrainian tanks and in May said it had produced 25 of them, including for the US Abrams tank.

It is worth noting that Ukraine has received more than 300 Bradleys from the US and uses them to transport troops and defeat Russian armoured vehicles and infantry.

Source: Newsweek