Capcom's zombies conquer the world: total sales of the Resident Evil franchise exceed 160 million copies

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 14:41

No one doubts that Resident Evil series is the engine of success and development of Capcom publishing house.

Horror games from the Japanese company are becoming more and more popular every year, which is confirmed by the latest Capcom financial report.

Here's What We Know

In the quarterly report, the company informed that for all time the global sales of the Resident Evil franchise exceeded 160 million copies.

As for the sales of individual games in the series:

  • Resident Evil Village sold 10 million copies, making the game the fastest-selling instalment in the series;
  • Resident Evil 2 remake sold almost 14 million copies;
  • Resident Evil 3 remake - over 8.7 million copies;
  • Resident Evil 4 remake - over 7.6 million copies (since March 2023);
  • Resident Evil 7 - over 13.3 million copies.

Notably, Capcom notes in its report that all business segments far exceeded plans and brought the company huge profits.

Source: Capcom