A beautiful trailer for Metaphor: ReFantazio showed off some staged scenes of the ambitious JRPG from the makers of Persona

By: Anton Kratiuk | yesterday, 22:10

Atlus Studios continues the marketing campaign for the ambitious JRPG Metaphor: ReFantazio. The company has released a new trailer of the game from the authors of the last three Persona parts.

Here's What We Know

Japanese developers showed some animated staged scenes from the beginning of Metaphor: ReFantazio, in which the protagonist and his fairy companion Gallica arrive in the Royal Capital of Grand Trad. They plan to take part in the Tournament for the Throne, which began after the death of King Euchronia and the mysterious disappearance of the heir prince.

Persona fans will surely appreciate the visual style and cut-scene staging in Metaphor: ReFantazio.

When We Can Expect It

Metaphor: ReFantazio will release on 11 October 2024 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

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Source: Official ATLUS West