Raise Pompeii from the ashes: ambitious urban strategy game Pompeii: The Legacy from Croatian indie developer announced

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 15:51

Croatian indie studio Siscia Games, consisting of one developer Zeljko Kos announced a remarkable city-building strategy game Pompeii: The Legacy.

Here's What We Know

The events of the game will unfold 20 years after the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius (Vesuvio), which destroyed the glorious city of Pompeii. Players will have to lead the rebuilding of the city and manage it for two hundred years.

In Pompeii: The Legacy you will have to communicate with the famous rulers of the Roman Empire - Trajan, Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius.

The debut trailer doesn't reveal any details about the game, but Pompeii: The Legacy looks interesting and will surely offer fans of city-building strategies a complex and exciting gameplay.

When We Can Expect It

The release of Pompeii: The Legacy is announced for 2025.

The developer asks all those interested to add the game to their Steam wishlist to see how popular it is.

Source: Siscia Games