The Casting of Frank Stone, a single-player game based on the Dead by Daylight universe, is not a horror game for everyone: critics have reserved their praise for The Casting of Frank Stone

By: Anton Kratiuk | yesterday, 19:11

The Casting of Frank Stone, a horror game set in the universe of the popular online thriller Dead by Daylight, will be released on 3 September.

The game was developed by Supermassive Games studio, which made a name for itself by releasing horror films in the style of interactive films, the most famous of which were Until Dawn, The Quarry and The Dark Pictures anthology.

Many gamers assumed that the novelty will not yield to the quality of the previous projects of British developers, but from the published reviews it became clear that The Casting of Frank Stone can still disappoint some users.

Here's What We Know

Critics have familiarised themselves with The Casting of Frank Stone and are sharing their reviews on aggregators and their own channels. They are almost unanimous in the fact that the game turned out to be average and a bit short of the studio's past works.

The horror game has a good story, great soundtrack and soundtrack, as well as interesting characters and creepy atmosphere, but the new game from Supermassive is even more in the direction of cinema and involves very little interactivity: the player looks at what's going on more than influences it.

Combined with the high cost of The Casting of Frank Stone ($40) and the short duration (5-6 hours), this makes the game not very attractive to the general public. At the same time, experts noted that Dead by Daylight fans will definitely appreciate the single-player spin-off and see a lot of interesting references, and new players may be encouraged by the horror to get acquainted with DbD.

Critics also emphasise not the best technical performance of The Casting of Frank Stone, although no critical bugs were found, and all the problems can be fixed by several patches.

As a result, on Metacritic the game received from 69 to 72 points depending on the platform.

Recall, the events of the horror will unfold in the north-west of the United States in the fictional town of Cedar Hills. According to the plot of the game, a group of four teenagers go to an abandoned steel mill to shoot a grim film "Murder Mill". But as always in such horror games, the young people will face an unenviable fate, and only the player's actions will determine how the story will end.

The game is available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

Source: Metacritic