Instagram allows you to comment on Stories

By: Nastya Bobkova | today, 04:52

Instagram adds the ability to comment on Stories. Previously, you could only reply to stories in private messages. Now you can leave comments directly under Stories, and they will disappear after 24 hours.

Here's What We Know

Story owners can decide whether all followers can comment or only certain people. Comments will be visible in the story itself, not in private messages.

Story comments can be turned on or off for any individual post. When enabled, all followers can see comments, but only those you select can leave them. Small thumbnails of commenters' profiles will appear at the bottom of the story icon, so you'll know there are comments before you view the post.

You can also reply to Stories via DM if you have this option enabled in your settings. Instagram now offers more options for creating Stories, such as customisable templates, AI backgrounds, and new interactive stickers.

Source: Engadget