"The perfect planet for the perfect organism": the first teaser for the Alien: Earth series based on Ridley Scott's script has been unveiled

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 13:41

Streaming channel Hulu showed the first teaser of the new series in the franchise "Alien" (Alien).

Here's What We Know

The series is called "Alien: Earth" (Alien: Earth), and one of its lead writers is Ridley Scott - the author of the first films in the series.

The teaser revealed almost no details about the series, but spectacularly showed the reflection of Earth on the smooth skull of Xenomorph.

What is known is that the events of Alien: Earth will unfold in the late 2090s, paralleling the events of the film Prometheus. According to scrappy information, the story of "Earth" will begin with the crash of a spaceship of xenomorphs on the planet, which will scatter over a vast territory and begin to wreak havoc. This is confirmed by the capacious slogan: "The perfect planet for the perfect organism".

The main role in the series will be played by Sydney Chandler.

When We Can Expect It

Alien: Earth will premiere in 2025 on the streaming service Hulu.

Source: FX Networks