Microsoft founder on humanity's problems: Netflix unveils trailer for documentary series What's Next? The Future with Bill Gates

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 15:54

Streaming service Netflix presented a trailer of a documentary series, the main character of which will be the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates.

Here's What We Know

The project is called "What's Next? The Future with Bill Gates" (What's Next? The Future with Bill Gates) and will be rather a series of programmes in which billionaire, philanthropist and visionary Bill Gates will tell about his vision of the problems that will soon face humanity and offer options for their solution.

Among the topics that Gates will discuss with his interlocutors will be the development of artificial intelligence, environmental problems, the destructive influence of social networks and other important topics. The show will also mock popular conspiracy theories, as well as people who criticise globalism and supporters of the existence of reptiloids.

Lady Gaga, U2 lead singer Bono, former US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and other celebrities will join the discussions with Bill Gates.

The first season will be released on 18 September and will consist of five episodes.

Source: Netflix