Spain to hand over HAWK air defence battery with six launchers to Ukraine

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 09:22

On Friday, 6 September, Spanish Defence Minister Margarita Robles said that her country would provide Ukraine with a complete HAWK battery with six missile launchers.

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"In response to President Zelenskyy's clear request for air defence systems, Minister Robles announced the immediate delivery of a complete HAWK battery, including six missile launchers, which Spain has already delivered and is currently in Poland," the official statement said.

During the discussion of Ukraine's needs at the meeting, the minister also said that Spain plans to step up its participation in the EU mission to train the Ukrainian military. The country also plans to supply materials to the Ukrainian army and implement various defence projects with Ukraine.



The Homing All the Way Killer (HAWK) is a medium-range US air defence system developed by Raytheon to intercept airborne targets such as aircraft and missiles at altitudes of up to 18 km and ranges of up to 50 km. Commissioned in the 1960s, the system has undergone numerous upgrades. The HAWK consists of several components: target detection and tracking radars, launchers and command posts. The main missile is the MIM-23. Spain currently uses the HAWK as part of its air defence system.

Source: Spanish Ministry of Defence