Mudra Link, a neural bracelet that controls gadgets using gestures, was demonstrated online

By: Nastya Bobkova | today, 04:05

Mudra has introduced a new Mudra Link bracelet that allows you to control various devices using gestures.

Here's What We Know

This bracelet recognises gestures and can be customised to suit individual user needs. Mudra Link is compatible with many systems and connects via Bluetooth.

Users can learn up to seven gestures and assign them different functions.

In addition, the bracelet can detect pressure when two fingers are brought together. Mudra Link has three neural sensors and an accelerometer. It weighs 36 grams and the battery lasts up to two days. The device is also water and dust resistant.

Mudra Link is already available for pre-order at a price of USD 199. Delivery is expected to begin in January 2025.

Source: Mudra