All employees left Annapurna Interactive, which published Stray and other indie hits

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | today, 09:15

Annapurna Interactive is known for publishing cool indie games such as Stray and Cocoon. However, all employees have left the company.

Here's What We Know

The publishing house's executives wanted to spin it off into an independent company. They were negotiating with Annapurna founder Megan Allison, who suddenly withdrew from the negotiations, which led to resignations.

New president Hector Sanchez, who helped launch the publisher in 2016 and returned to the company after working at Epic Games, was left as the sole executive.

Ellison said that the publisher's priority is "to continue to support our developer and publisher partners during this transition".

And the developers said in a collective statement that this was one of the hardest decisions they had ever had to make, and they did not take this action lightly.

This situation has left the publisher's partners such as Ivy Road, Blendo Games, and Mobius Digital in a difficult situation where their publisher has effectively put its operations on hold for the time being.

Source: gamedeveloper