Tough and powerful crime drama: Penguin, set after the Batman film, has a 93% freshness rating from critics

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | today, 10:42

On 19 September, the Penguin series, which takes place after Batman (2022), will premiere. Critics have already reviewed the series and were satisfied.

Here's What We Know

The series has 93% freshness on Rotten Tomatoes.

First of all, critics note the excellent acting performance of Colin Farrell as the Penguin. The actor has already played the villain in Batman (2022).

One critic wrote that the series eschews all the usual comic book trappings, instead emulating the gritty, violent aesthetic of such revered gangster classics as The Sopranos and Scarface.

It is also noted that through a series of stunning moments, Penguin presents a version of the character that Batman fans have never seen before.

So now we're waiting for the premiere to see for ourselves that the series creators have succeeded.

The series will begin immediately after Batman's end and will show how Oswald Cobblepot expands his influence on Gotham and becomes an even greater criminal mastermind in the city.

The Penguin will have 8 episodes, which will be released weekly. Lauren LeFranc is the writer and showrunner. Matt Reeves, the director of Batman, is the executive producer.

Source: rottentomatoes