11 facts about Frostpunk 2 that anyone planning to go through the ambitious strategy game needs to know

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 15:15

Polish studio 11 Bit is actively preparing for the release of the ambitious urban strategy game Frostpunk 2.

The developers have already released a lot of informative and interesting trailers, but to structure the data about the game they released another video.

Here's What We Know

The company presented a video "11 facts about Frostpunk 2", in which viewers were briefly reminded about the main features of the game.

Of course, the video should be watched by everyone who plans to play through Frostpunk 2, but we offer you brief theses about 11 facts:

  1. Cities will become larger and more complex.
  2. The needs of the population will increase significantly.
  3. Players will face increasing problems (hunger, cold, political struggles).
  4. The variability of player actions and their impact on the development of events will increase dramatically.
  5. Players will face the consequences of every decision they make. The developers emphasised that this aspect is further revealed through integration with Twitch (viewers of broadcasts can influence the events in the streamer's game).
  6. Players will be offered a wide choice of ideologies and ways to develop society.
  7. Gamers need to competently build interaction with different factions and try to find a common language with everyone.
  8. There will be a study of frozen lands in order to increase the zone of influence and the extraction of valuable resources.
  9. To provide the city you need to build colonies and outposts.
  10. Frostpunk 2 will offer an epic story and exciting endless mode "Utopia Builder" (Utopia Builder).
  11. The developers will offer extensive support for custom modifications using the FrostKit programme

When We Can Expect It

Frostpunk 2 will be released on the 20th of September. The game will initially be available only on PC, but will later be released on consoles as well, and will be available in the Game Pass catalogue from day one.

Source: 11 bit