Insider: Nintendo's new console will be unveiled in November - buyers will be offered two models of the device

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 15:00

Recently, several reputable sources reported that Nintendo will unveil its new Switch 2 console (name speculated) as early as September.

Now another insider has revealed some interesting information about the highly anticipated device.

Here's What We Know

An insider under the nickname Average Lucia Fanatic, who correctly predicted the day of presentation of the PS5 Pro, said that the official announcement of the new handheld device from Nintendo will take place in October 2024.

According to his information, buyers will be offered two Switch 2 models, with a recommended price of $399 for one of them.

Average Lucia Fanatic has no information yet, what is the difference between the models, it is likely to reveal only at the time of the official presentation of the console.

Recall, according to media information , the console will go on sale in the first quarter of 2025.

Source: Twisted Voxel