Zelenskyy: Russians managed to destroy 80% of Ukraine's energy infrastructure with guided bombs

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | yesterday, 10:10

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Russia had managed to destroy 80% of Ukraine's energy infrastructure with guided aerial bombs.

Here's What We Know

Recently, Zelensky gave an interview to CNN, in which he explained that Ukraine has long been asking for permission to attack Russian aircraft at military bases with Western weapons.

"They used not only missiles. Every month, 4,000 guided bombs are launched in the east of our territory alone. These bombs and missiles hit the civilian population, the energy sector, schools, universities, our entire energy infrastructure," the Ukrainian president said.

He also said that during meetings with leaders of other countries, "we waited too long" and Russia began to withdraw its aircraft from 100-150 km to a distance of 300-500 km.

"Now we need more permits," Zelenskyy concluded.

The president also added that Ukraine has not yet received permission to strike with long-range weapons on Russian territory.

Source: CNN