Zelensky says Western aid 'cannot equip even 4 out of 14' Ukrainian brigades

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | today, 08:54

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Western partners were slow and insufficient in providing military assistance, stressing that Ukraine did not have enough supplies even to equip "4 out of 14 brigades".

Here's What We Know

In an interview with CNN journalist Fareed Zakaria, the President of Ukraine explained that the Ukrainian Defence Forces are barely able to repel Russia's devastating attacks due to insufficient equipment.

He stressed that Kyiv needs at least 14 fully equipped brigades "to be ready", but recent military aid packages are not enough to arm even a third of them.

"We need to equip 14 brigades - we don't have that yet. We have not even equipped four brigades from the last package. That's why we need to produce drones domestically. This is not enough, but we have done it," Zelenskyy said.

The President also said that the several-month break in US military aid had significantly depleted Ukraine's weapons stockpile: The Armed Forces "used everything they had" to defend themselves against the Russian attack.

"We transferred everything that was in the warehouses and reserve brigades. We took everything we had, all the weapons," he added.

Source: Ze! President