Threads introduces geolocation in iOS posts

By: Nastya Bobkova | today, 05:32

Threads is introducing a new feature - location tagging, which is already available on Instagram.

Here's What We Know

You can now tag the location from which you are posting. This is a familiar option for Instagram users, which allows you to specify a city, neighbourhood, or a specific establishment, such as a restaurant.

However, the implementation of this feature in Threads is different: there is no interactive map like on Instagram, where you can view other users' posts by location. By clicking on a location tag, you can view posts by other users who have indicated the same location.

The innovation is available only in the Threads app for iOS, and has not yet been implemented in the Android and web versions. The date of the general rollout is not yet known.

As for other requested features, such as personal messages (DMs), there are no plans to introduce them at this time.

Source: The Verge