The Dynamic Duo animated film telling the story of Robins Dick Grayson and Jason Todd is announced

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | today, 10:19

We wrote that DC was rumoured to be working on a film about Bane and Defstroke, but now it's officially been revealed that the company has launched an animated film about the two Robins.

Here's What We Know

This will be the first joint project between DC and Warner Bros. Pictures Animation.

The animated film also has a synopsis:

"The duo calls themselves the Dynamic Duo. They are orphaned thieves, best friends who share dreams of a better life, but their friendship will be tested by a competing vision of the future, from which a new Dynamic Duo will emerge."

Dynamic Duo will be directed by Arthur Mintz, who will create it with his animation studio Swaybox. Interestingly, Swaybox will use a combination of animation, puppetry, CGI and live performance.

The story will tell about Dick Grayson and Jason Todd, who became Robins in the comics and joined the Batman team.

Source: IGN